
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Joshua's Percent Post

percent is an equivalent fraction out of a hundred.

100 percent is everything.

to find 100 percent you need to divide by 1

 50 percent is half of everything

to find 50 percent you need to divide by 2

10 percent is a tenth out of a hundred

to find 10 percent you need to divide 10

25 percent is a quarter out of a hundred

to find 25 percent you need to divide by 4

1 percent is one out of a hundred

to find 1 percent you need to divide by 100

Representing Percent:



12 3/4%

Converting Percent, Fractions and  Decimals.

1) Converting fractions to decimals to percent.
40  =  3÷40 = 0.075 x 100 = 7.5%

2)Converting decimal to percent to fractions.
0.0064 x 100 = 64%  ÷  16/16 = 4/625

3) Converting percent to decimal to fraction.
 750% ÷ 100 = 7.5 = 7 1/2

Convert to decimal to percent to fraction.
1) 26%
26% ÷ 100 = 0.26
0.26 = 26/100

2) 7/10
7 ÷ 10 = 0.7
0.7 x 100 = 70%

0.024 x 100 = 2.4

1) 20% of 60

2) 0.1% of 40

3)250% of 400

Combining Percents

50% is better

There's a 100 caribou, then in 1 year it increase 10%  
and it will have 110 caribou, after 2 years it increase 20%
which will make 132 caribou.
There will be 132 caribou in 2 years.

for the "show you know" my price will be 800
Store A:
50% off one day only
50% is the same as half, you divide it into 2 and the answer will be 400

Store B:
25% off one day followed by 25% off the reduced price the second day
first day:
0.25 x 800 = 200
800 - 200 = 600
the first day, it will be 600
second day:
0.25 x 600 = 150
600 - 150 = 450
the second day, it will be 450.

50% is better then 25%

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